
The response to supplementation of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows with Mega-Max was evaluated in a study at Crichton Royal Farm (Scottish Rural Colleges, UK). Eighteen early lactation dairy cows were offered either a Control ration (no fat supplement) or the Control ration to which Mega-Max was added to supply 525 g/day (treatments were part of a larger study in the overall design). Cows were offered diets according to a Latin square design with 28-day feeding periods.

Table 1      Milk production of cows offered Mega-Max 

Control  Mega-Max  Sig.
DM intake (kg/d) 22.7 22.5 NS
Milk yield (kg/d) 38.8 40.4 *
Milk fat (%) 4.01 4.05 NS
Milk fat yield (kg/d) 1.52 1.61 *
Feed efficiency (kg milk/kg DM) 1.71 1.80 -
Body condition score 1.98 1.99 NS

As presented in Table 1, cows offered the Mega-Max supplement produced a significant 1.6 kg of additional milk per day at similar levels of DM intake. As expected based on the elevated concentration of C16 fatty acids in Mega-Max (60%), milk fat production (kg/day) was significantly higher with the Mega-Max cows, though milk fat % was numerically but not statistically higher. These higher levels of production were achieved without negative change in body condition indicating that the additional energy provided in the supplement was primarily used to increase milk production. 

This study indicates that Supplementing cows with Mega-Max increases milk production and milk fat output in early lactation while maintaining cow condition.