While overall herd health is a crucial and permanent consideration, other key objectives of dairy farming include:

  • More milk
  • More milk fat
  • Better fertility

All three of these objectives can be targeted with the support of one key nutritional component – fat. 

Fatty acids play a key role in improving production efficiency and helping meet specific goals. With C16:0 fundamental for stimulating milk fat production and C18:1 known to aid Body Condition Score (BCS) and fertility, in these key fatty acids you have the ability to adjust the ratios of each according to the stage of lactation and the outcomes you are aiming for.

With help from Dr Richard Kirkland, Global Technical Manager for Volac Wilmar, let us explore some of the options you have available for hitting these core objectives… in less than 60 seconds!

Your Fatty Acid Solutions in less than 60 seconds

The Megalac product range is formulated with a carefully balanced fatty acid profile for the specific outcome in mind. Some, depending on when they are fed, can address multiple issues.


Great for: More milk and better fertility, increased energy supply in early lactation.

Fatty Acid profile: Greater proportion of C18:1 than other products in the range.

megalac in 60 play


Mega-Fat 88

Why? ➡ Increased milk fat production

How ➡ High proportion of C16 fatty acids.

megafat88 in 60 play

Mega Max

Why? ➡ Multi-purpose fat for early and later lactation stages.

How (Fatty Acid Profile) ➡ 60:30 ratio of C16:0 and C18:1 

megamax in 60 play

Learn more: Discover which fatty acid you should be feeding your dairy herd

Simplify your decision making

We're here to help take the complexity out of the fatty acid decision-making progress, with many helpful tools to keep things simple.

Print out a copy of our Fatty Acid Decision Maker and feed guide for a quick and easy reference the next time you meet a performance-related stumbling block or as a simple reminder of what to feed, and when.

You can also use our new Feeding Fat ROI Calculator to calculate the realistic business impact of your input investments.